Message From Principal

Faith makes everything possible.
Hope makes everything works and
Love makes everything easy and beautiful.
Dear parents, teachers, students and well wishes a very warm welcome to Alphonsa Sr. Sec. School website.
The school is striving hard to make the best possible efforts to inculcate strong values like wisdom, truth and love, combining with academic and extra-curricular activities in the students. We believe that education is an effective medium of social transformation. We get encouragement looking at bright and successful carriers of our thousands of students who subsequently benefit the society.
Our school cares for the individual development of each and every student. We accord prime importance to the behavioral discipline, moral integrity and cognitive development of students.
The reputation, the school has acquired and established over these years is due to the dedication and selfless commitment of teachers, supporting staff and students. And we never forget here, the parents are the most strengthening power in molding the future of our children. Their constant support empowers us to do more and more for the betterment of our students. I pay my gratitude to them for their trust in us.
We are passing through a very hardest time to cope up with the needs of the educations system in this fast changing and challenging life situation. But let us remember that our hardest time often leads to the greatest moments of our lives and tough situation build strong people to the end, if we carry the lights of Faith, Hope and Love.
With Regards,
Sr. Navya (Principal)
Alphonsa Sr. Sec. School, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha.